North Korea: Peace? Nuclear War?
William H. Overholt, Editor

Publisher: The Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government (2019)
ISBN-10: 1733737804
ISBN-13: 978-1733737807

North Korean nuclear wespons create today’s greatest issue of war and peace, the only imminent risk of nuclear war. President Obama told President Trump this was the most urgent issue he ewas inheriting. The Korean people have been suffering war, division, famine in the north, and risk of annihilation for far too long. Is there now a chance for peace and denuclearization?

Half a century ago, facing of an overwhelming and imminent threat, a militarily and economically inferior South Korea was developing nuclear weapons. Nixon intervened decisively, but the halt was sustained by South Korean’s recognition that nuclear conflict would end Korean civilization. Is a similar outcome possible in the North today? Could it be linked with a broader peace or even unification?

- Reviews -

"This is a timely and comprehensive book by real experts on negotiating with North Korea about their nuclear arsenal. This book could not be more timely. It provides expert and thoughtful advice for the next Trump-Kim summit meeting. And it provides a basis for making an informed opinion on the value of that summit. Read it!" - William J. Perry, Former US Secretary of Defense

"Americans, it seems, will do anything to North Korea over the nuclear dilemma except try to understand it - the ‘bozone’ layer of anti-intellectualism that shrouds policy making. For those brave souls who do try, there is no place better to start than this volume incisively curated more than simply edited by one of the deans of Asian studies, Bill Overholt. It assembles the best thinkers - and sometimes practitioners - from America and Asia, and turns them loose to agree or disagree but in the process to enlighten." - Gregory F. Treverton, Former Chair of the National Intelligence Council

"The strength of this volume is its focus on what has changed in the last few years in the political and economic developments in both North and South Korea and in the strategic situation on the Korean Peninsula, its neighborhood and globally. In many instances, the question of whether changes, for example in North Korea, are real or simply hopes is controversial. This volume does not shy away from these controversies. Many points of view on these topics are represented here. The book should be valuable for people who want to improve their grasp of the complexities surrounding the issue of peace on the Korean peninsula and the North Korean nuclear program." - James A. Thomson, President Emeritus of the RAND Corporation

핵 벼랑을 걷다 (My Journey at the Nuclear Brink)
윌리엄 페리 회고록

윌리엄 J. 페리 지음 / 정소영 옮김
출간일 : 2016년 11월 16일
ISBN : 9788936486075
페이지수 : 392 / 판형 : 신국판(양장)
분야 : 역사, 인문, 회고록

전생애에 걸쳐 핵과 싸워온 윌리엄 페리 前 미 국방장관의 회고

『핵 벼랑을 걷다: 윌리엄 페리 회고록』(원제: My Journey at the Nuclear Brink)은 윌리엄 페리 전(前) 미 국방장관이 자신의 생애를 통틀어 벌어진 핵과 전쟁의 일화들을 돌아보며 특히 1960년부터 2010년대까지 핵안보 외교를 중심으로 한 자신의 활동을 기록한 책이다. 수학 박사학위를 받은 촉망받는 연구자이자 첨단위성기술 개발자이며 전문경영인이었던 한 개인이 어쩌다 냉전의 [...]

- Reviews -

"Few have witnessed as many turning points in the history of the nuclear age as Bill Perry, and no one at all has contributed so much to human safety from this danger." - Ashton Carter, U.S. Secretary of Defense

I know of no person who understands the science and politics of modern weaponry better than William J. Perry, the US Secretary of Defense from 1994 to 1997. When a man of such unquestioned experience and intelligence issues the stark nuclear warning that is central to his recent memoir, we should take heed. Perry is forthright when he says: “Today, the danger of some sort of a nuclear catastrophe is greater than it was during the Cold War and most people are blissfully unaware of this danger.” He also tells us that the nuclear danger is “growing greater every year” and that even a single nuclear detonation “could destroy our way of life. - Jerry Brown, Governor of California

My Journey at the Nuclear Brink is a continuation of William J. Perry's efforts to keep the world safe from a nuclear catastrophe. It tells the story of his coming of age in the nuclear era, his role in trying to shape and contain it, and how his thinking has changed about the threat these weapons pose.

In a remarkable career, Perry has dealt firsthand with the changing nuclear threat. Decades of experience and special access to top-secret knowledge of strategic nuclear options have given Perry a unique, and chilling, vantage point from which to conclude that nuclear weapons endanger [...]

- About the author -

윌리엄 J. 페리

미국 스탠퍼드대학 명예교수. 1927년 태어나 1957년 펜실베이니아주립대학에서 수학 박사학위를 받았다. 이후 통신 및 군기술 분야의 민간회사 경영진으로 있다가, 1977년 카터 행정부에서 국방부 연구기술 차관으로 임명되었고 스텔스기 개발을 적극 추진하는 데 앞장섰다. 클린턴 행정부에서 국방장관을 역임했다. 이후 대북조정관 시절에 내놓은 ‘페리 프로세스’(Perry Process)는 북한 비핵화에 대한 포괄적 해결 방안으로서 북미관계 정상화와 한반도 평화체제를 위한 대표적 보고서로 꼽힌다. 공직에서 은퇴한 뒤에도 대북정책뿐 아니라 미 외교정책의 영향력 있는 원로로서 활동하며 균형감 있는 조언을 내왔다.

William J. Perry was the 19th Secretary of Defense for the United States from February 1994 to January 1997. He previously served as Deputy Secretary of Defense (1993–1994) and as Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (1977–1981). He is the Michael and Barbara Berberian Professor (emeritus) at Stanford University

역사의 파편들 (Pot Shards)
도널드 그레그 회고록

도널드 P. 그레그 지음 / 차미례 옮김
출간일 : 2015년 05월 18일
ISBN : 9788936485962
페이지수 : 488 / 판형 : 신국판(양장)
분야 : 사회, 인문

외교관이자 정보전략가인 그레그 前 주한 미 대사가 회고하는 미국과 한반도 그리고 아시아의 격동하는 현대사

『역사의 파편들』(원제: Pot Shards: Fragments of a Life Lived in CIA, the White House, and the Two Koreas)은 도널드 그레그 前 주한 미 대사가 80여년 생을 돌아보며 기억의 편린들을 모아 엮어낸 개인의 역사이자 동시대 미국과 한반도 역사의 복원이다. 그레그는 1973년 미 중앙정보국(CIA) 한국 지국장으로 부임한 후, 백악관 국가안보회의(NSC) 아시아 담당관과 조지 H. W. 부시 부통령 안보보좌관을 거쳐 1989~93년 주한 미국대사를 지내며 직간접적으로 한국 현대사와 관련을 맺어왔다. 두차례 김대중 구명(救命)에 관여했고, 노태우정부의 주한미군 전술핵 철수, 팀스피릿 한미군사훈련 중단 결정에 주도적 역할을 한 것으로 알려졌다.

- Reviews -

"『 역사의 파편들 』 은 그레그 대사의 개인사는 물론 1950년대 이후 미국의 대 아시아정책을 이해하는 아주 긴요한 길잡이가 되는 책이다. 역지사지의 자세로 미국의 국익과 상대국 국익은 물론 보편적 이익을 조화시켜야 한다는 그의 외교철학 등 귀감으로 삼을 만한 메시지가 풍부하다. 우리공동 관심사인 북한문제에 대해서도 고립·봉쇄보다는 관여를 통한 신뢰구축, 대결보다는 협상, 전쟁보다는 평화를 처방으로 내놓고 있다." – 문정인 연세대 정치외교학과 교수

"A personal witness to decades of largely hidden intelligence and diplomatic history, Donald Gregg recounts his unlikely and amazing career as a CIA officer, national security advisor, and US diplomat. His adventures and insider knowledge of US relations with East Asian nations over many decades make for a lively narrative, entertaining for the general reader and useful for serious scholars alike. Through it all, Ambassador Gregg expresses a natural warmth and concern for humanity." – Nicolas Dujmovic, Ph.D., Staff Historian, CIA Center for the Study of Intelligence

- About the author -

도널드 P. 그레그

태평양세기연구소 Pacific Century Institute 전회장. 1927년 태어나 1951년 윌리엄스 대학 철학과를 졸업하고 CIA 요원이 되었다. 이후 싸이판, 일본, 버마, 베트남의 CIA 지국에서 일하다 1973년부터 75년까지 한국 지국장으로 근무했다. 1979년부터 백악관 국가안보회의 NSC 아시아담당관, 부통령 안보보좌관으로 일했고, 1989년부터 93년까지 주한 미국대사를 지냈다. 그레그는 박정희정부의 김대중 납치사건과 전두환정부의 김대중 사형집행을 막아냈고, 팀스피릿 한미합동군사훈련을 중단시켜 한반도 평화에 크게 공헌한 바 있다. 1993년부터 2009년까지 뉴욕에서 코리아소사이어티 The Korea Society 회장을 역임하며 이후 2014년까지 여섯차례 평양을 방문하여미국과 북한, 남한과 북한의 상호 교류와 화해에 기여했다.

Donald P. Gregg, born in 1927, grew up in Hastings-on-Hudson, New York. He served in the Army in 1945-47, graduated cum laude in philosophy from Williams College in 1951, and immediately joined CIA as a paramilitary officer. He served on Saipan and in Japan (ten years), Burma, Vietnam, and Korea, where he was chief of station. Seconded to the NSC staff at the White House in 1079, Gregg served there and as national security advisor to Vice President George Bush until going to Korea as ambassador in 1989. From 1993 to 2009, Gregg ran the nonprofit Korea Society in New York. He is now Pacific Century Institute Chairman Emeritus and made sixth trip to North Korea in February 2014. Gregg lives in Armonk, New York, with his wife of sixty years, Meg Curry Gregg.

The Two Koreas: A Contemporary History
Paperback: 560 pages
Publisher: Basic Books; Revised, Updated edition (December 10, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0465031234
ISBN-13: 978-0465031238

An acclaimed history of the Korean Peninsula from World War II to the present day North Korea is an impoverished, famine-ridden nation, but it is also a nuclear power whose dictator Kim Jong-un regularly threatens his neighbors and adversaries, the United States in particular, with destruction. Even though Kim and President Donald Trump's responses to him dominate the daily headlines, the idea that North Korea is a menace is not a new one. Indeed, ever since Korea was first divided at the end of World War II, the tension between its northern and southern halves has riveted-and threatened to embroil--the rest of the world. In this landmark history, veteran journalist Don Oberdorfer and Korea expert Robert Carlin grippingly describe how a historically homogenous people became locked in a perpetual struggle for supremacy--and how other nations including the United States have tried, and failed, to broker a lasting peace.

- Reviews -

"Riveting.... The Two Koreas majestically fulfills Oberdorfer's goal of drawing attention to the role outside powers have played in the two Koreas' history." - Washington Post

"[A] gripping narrative.... The Two Koreas is a masterful analysis of one of the enduring Achilles' heels of US foreign policy." - Los Angeles Review of Books

"[Oberdorfer's] gripping narrative should chasten our leaders and inform our citizenry about the continuing perils and costs of America's involvement with Korea...Oberdorfer is often definitive on that subject, deploying information that even specialists do not know." - Bruce Cumings, Los Angeles Times

"Engrossing, informative, wise. A rare achievement, the best account yet of a tragically divided country." - Ezra Vogel, Director, Asia Center, Harvard University

"This truly important work will, without question, become the standard against which other books on modern Korea will be judged." - Donald P. Gregg, former U.S. Ambassador to South Korea

"Oberdorfer is one of America's keenest analysts of the international scene." - James A. Baker III, former U.S. Secretary of State

- About the authors -

Don Oberdorfer wrote for the Washington Post for twenty-five years, and was later on the Chairman of the U.S.-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. He died in 2015.
Robert Carlin is a Visiting Fellow at the Center for International Security and Cooperation at Stanford University and former chief of the Northeast Asia Division in the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, U.S. Department of State. He lives in Washington, D.C.

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